The Circle Wiki

The 1st season of The Circle France premiered on Netflix on April 9, 2020.

Romain Ben won the first season, with Éléa as the runner-up.


Name Age Playing as Entered Status
Romain Ben 28 Himself Episode 1 Winner
Éléa 27 Herself Episode 1 Runner-Up
Rudy Doukhan 37 "Gabriel" Episode 3 Third Place
Edmundo Faisca 24 "Nelia," a 25-year-old fashion blogger Episode 4 Fourth Place
João Faisca 24
Maxime Merkouchenko 24 "Valeria", his 25-year-old girlfriend Episode 1 Fifth Place
Virginie Constance Catala 28 Herself, but a 30-year-old gynecologist Episode 8 Blocked
Paolo Rodriguez 21 Himself Episode 6 Blocked
Ines Camilia Tazi 23 Herself Episode 1 Blocked
Gary Jarny 30 Himself Episode 1 Blocked
Cédric Doumbé 27 Himself Episode 1 Blocked
Josette "Jo" Guérin 78 "Nicolas," a 25-year-old man Episode 1 Blocked
Monique Genty 75
Lou Baudry 22 Herself Episode 1 Blocked

Established teams

The first season of The Circle France had a significant ongoing group rivalry, between #TeamWinner (Romain, Éléa, Valeria) and #TeamHabibi (Ines, Gary, Cédric). #TeamHabibi later evolved into the "mission resistance" (Ines, Paolo, Nelia).

#TeamWinner largely dominated the ratings and pulled all three of its key members to the finale, including the first and second places.

Team Name Rank
#TeamWinner Romain 1st
Éléa 2nd
Maxime Merkouchenko
Neutral "Gabriel"
Rudy Doukhan
"Mission resistance" "Nelia"
Edmundo and João Faisca
Paolo Blocked
Ines Blocked
Gary Blocked
Cédric Blocked
(partially accepted)
Virginie Blocked
Neutral "Nicolas"
Josette "Jo" Guérin and Monique Genty
Neutral Lou Blocked
